import sqlite3 # Create a new row, for the account [compte] whith [points] points def add_row(account, points, mycursor, mydb): sql = "INSERT INTO daily (compte, points, date) VALUES (?, ?, date())" val = (account, points) mycursor.execute(sql, val) mydb.commit() # printf(mycursor.rowcount, "record created.") # update the ammount of points for the account [compte] def update_row(account, points, mycursor, mydb): sql = f"UPDATE daily SET points = {points} WHERE compte = '{account}' AND date = date() ;" mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() # update the value of last_pts for the table comptes def update_last(account, points, mycursor, mydb): sql1 = f"UPDATE comptes SET last_pts = {points} WHERE compte = '{account}';" sql2 = f"select * from comptes where compte = '{account}'" sql3 = f"INSERT INTO comptes (compte, last_pts,banned) VALUES ('{account}', {points}, 0)" cmd = mycursor.execute(sql2) if len(list(cmd)) == 0: mycursor.execute(sql3) else: mycursor.execute(sql1) mydb.commit() # Return if there already is a line in the database for the account [account]. # if same_point is enabled, the line must also have the same number of points # SQLITE def get_row(account, points, mycursor, same_points=True): if same_points: mycursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM daily WHERE points = {points} AND compte = '{account}' AND date = date() ;") else: mycursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM daily WHERE compte = '{account}' AND date = date() ;") myresult = mycursor.fetchall() return (len(myresult) == 1) def add_to_database(account, points): if points is None: pass else: mydb = sqlite3.connect("/app/MsRewards-Reborn/MsRewards.db") mycursor = mydb.cursor() if get_row(account, points, mycursor, True): # check if the row exist with the same amount of points and do nothing if it does pass # check if the row exist, but without the same amount of points and update the point account then elif get_row(account, points, mycursor, False): update_row(account, points, mycursor, mydb) else: # if the row don't exist, create it with the good amount of points add_row(account, points, mycursor, mydb) if int(points) > 10: update_last(account, points, mycursor, mydb) mycursor.close() mydb.close()