#!/usr/bin/python3.10 import asyncio from csv import reader from os import sys, system, path from random import choice, randint, shuffle, uniform from re import findall, search from sys import platform from time import sleep from requests import get from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common import exceptions from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select from rich.progress import BarColumn, Progress, TextColumn, Progress, TimeElapsedColumn, TaskProgressColumn, TimeRemainingColumn from modules.db import add_to_database from modules.config import * from modules.tools import * from modules.error import * import modules.progress global driver def printf(x): printf2(x, _mail) def WaitUntilVisible(by, id, to = 20, browser = driver): try : WebDriverWait(browser, to).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((by,id)), "element not found") except TimeoutException as e: print(f"element not found after {to}s") def claim_amazon(): try : driver.get("https://rewards.microsoft.com/redeem/000803000031") try : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'ÉCHANGER UNE RÉCOMPENSE')]").click() except : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'REDEEM REWARD')]").click() sleep(5) try : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'CONFIRMER LA RÉCOMPENSE')]").click() except : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'CONFIRM REWARD')]").click() sleep(5) if ("/rewards/redeem/orderhistory" in driver.page_source) : driver.get("https://rewards.microsoft.com/redeem/orderhistory") try : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'Détails de la commande')]").click() except : driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'Get code')]").click() sleep(5) code = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "tango-credential-value").get_attribute('innerHTML') lien = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "tango-credential-key")[1].get_attribute('innerHTML') lien = search('\"([^\"]+)\"',lien)[1] driver.get(lien) sleep(10) box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "input-45") box.click() box.send_keys(code) driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//span[contains( text( ), 'Déverrouillez votre récompense')]").click() sleep(5) #amazon = search("> ([^ ]+) <", fcode)[1] fcode = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/main/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/span").get_attribute("innerHTML") if fcode : webhookFailure.send(_mail +" - "+ fcode) return(1) else : LogError("impossible de localiser le code ", driver, _mail) return(1) else : LogError("la recuperation ne peux pas être automatique", driver, _mail) return(0) except Exception as e : LogError(f'problème dans la recuperation : {str(e)}', driver, _mail) def setup_proxy(ip, port, socks=False) : PROXY = f"{ip}:{port}" if socks : options.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1) options.set_preference('network.proxy.socks', ip) options.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_port', int(port)) options.set_preference("browser.link.open_newwindow", 3) else : webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX['proxy'] = { "httpProxy": PROXY, "sslProxy": PROXY, "proxyType": "MANUAL", } def FirefoxDriver(mobile=False, Headless=Headless): if proxy_enabled : setup_proxy(proxy_address,proxy_port) PC_USER_AGENT = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)" "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" "Chrome/104.0.5112.102 Safari/537.36 Edg/104.0.1293.70" ) MOBILE_USER_AGENT = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X)" "AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)" "CriOS/103.0.5060.63 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" ) options = Options() options.set_preference("browser.link.open_newwindow", 3) if FAST : options.set_preference("permissions.default.image", 2) #disable image loading. May add this without the fast option soon if Headless: options.add_argument("-headless") if mobile : options.set_preference("general.useragent.override", MOBILE_USER_AGENT) else : options.set_preference("general.useragent.override", PC_USER_AGENT) driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) driver.set_window_size(1900 + hash(_mail)%20 , 1070 + hash(_password + "salt")%10) return driver def Close(fenetre, SwitchTo=0): driver.switch_to.window(fenetre) driver.close() driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[SwitchTo]) #Deal with RGPD popup as well as some random popup like 'are you satisfied' one def RGPD(): for i in ["bnp_btn_accept", "bnp_hfly_cta2", "bnp_hfly_close"] : try: driver.find_element(By.ID, i).click() except: pass """ PlayQuiz[N]([int : override]) make the quizz with N choice each time. They usually have between 4 and 10 questions. override is the number of question, by default, it's the number of question in this specific quizz. Can be usefull in some case, where the programm crashes before finishing the quizz """ def PlayQuiz2(override=10): printf("début de PlayQuiz2") for j in range(override): try: RGPD() CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) txt = driver.page_source secret = search('IG:"([^"]+)"', txt)[1] # variable dans la page, pour calculer le offset reponse1 = search('data-option="([^"]+)"', txt)[1] offset = int(secret[-2:], 16) # la conversion ec decimal des deux dernier caracteres de IG reponse = search('correctAnswer":"([0-9]+)', txt)[1] somme = 0 for i in reponse1: somme += ord(i) if somme + offset == int(reponse): elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, "rqAnswerOption0") elem.click() progressBar(j, 10, name="quiz 2") else: elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, "rqAnswerOption1") elem.click() progressBar(j, 10, name="quiz 2") except exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException as e: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", elem) except Exception as e: LogError("PlayQuiz2" + str(e), driver, _mail) break printf("PlayQuiz2 finis") def PlayQuiz8(): override = len(findall("", driver.page_source))+1 printf(f"PlayQuiz8 : start, override : {override}") try: c = 0 RGPD() for i in range(override): CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) AnswerOptions = [ (driver.find_element(By.ID, f"rqAnswerOption{i-1}"),f'rqAnswerOption{i-1}') for i in range(1,9)] isCorrect = [x[1] for x in AnswerOptions if 'iscorrectoption="True" ' in x[0].get_attribute("outerHTML") ] shuffle(isCorrect) for i in isCorrect: WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, i, to = 20, browser=driver) c += 1 progressBar(c, 16, name="Quiz 8 ") try: elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, i) elem.click() except exceptions.NoSuchElementException : driver.refresh() CustomSleep(10) elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, i) elem.click() except ElementClickInterceptedException : RGPD() isCorrect.append(i) except Exception as e: LogError(f"PlayQuiz8 - 4 - {e} \n ListOfGood : {str(isCorrect)}", driver, _mail) printf("PlayQuiz8 : fin ") def PlayQuiz4(override=None): printf("PlayQuiz4 : start") if not override: try: # permet de gerer les truc de fidélité, qui sont plus long override = int(findall('rqQuestionState([\d]{1,2})"', driver.page_source)[-1]) printf(f"Override : {override}") except: override = 3 try: for i in range(override): CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) txt = driver.page_source RGPD() reponse = search('correctAnswer":"([^"]+)', txt)[1] # je suis pas sur qu'il y ait un espace reponse = reponse.replace("\\u0027", "'") # il faut cancel l'unicode avec un double \ (on replacer les caracteres en unicode en caracteres utf-8) printf(f"validation de la reponse ") printf(f"validation de la reponse {i+1}/{override} {reponse}") try: elem = driver.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, f'[data-option="{reponse}"]' ) elem.click() except exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", elem) except Exception as e: LogError(f"PlayQuiz4 {str(e)}", driver, _mail) raise ValueError(e) printf("PlayQuiz4 : end") """ PlayPoll() reply a random thing to poll, on of daily activities """ def PlayPoll(): printf("PlayPoll : start") try: try: elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, f"btoption{choice([0,1])}") elem.click() except exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException as e: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", elem) CustomSleep(uniform(2, 2.5)) except Exception as e: LogError("PlayPoll" + str(e), driver, _mail) raise ValueError(e) printf("PlayPoll : end") def AllCard(): # fonction qui clique sur les cartes def reset(Partie2=False): # retourne sur la page de depart apres avoir finis if len(driver.window_handles) == 1: driver.get("https://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/flyout") if Partie2: driver.find_element( By.XPATH, "/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]" ).click() else: driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[1]) printf(f"fermeture : {driver.current_url}") driver.close() driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) reset(Partie2) def dailyCards(): try: for i in range(3): CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) try: printf("dailycards - show pannels") titre = "erreur" driver.find_element( By.XPATH,f"/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[{i+1}]/a/div/div[2]", ).click() sleep(1) titre = driver.title TryPlay(titre) sleep(1) reset() printf(f"DailyCard {titre} ok ") except Exception as e: printf(f"Allcard card {titre} error ({e})") except Exception as e: LogError(f"Dailycards {e}", driver, _mail) try: dailyCards() except Exception as e: printf(f"erreur dans les quetes de la semaine {e}") def weekly_cards(): try: driver.find_element( By.XPATH, "/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]" ).click() # declenche la premiere partie ? except: reset() try: driver.find_element( By.XPATH, "/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]" ).click() # declenche la deuxieme partie ? except: pass for i in range(20): printf("début de l'une des cartes") driver.find_element( By.XPATH, "/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[1]/a/div/div[2]", ).click() printf("carte cliquée") driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[len(driver.window_handles) - 1]) sleep(1) titre = driver.title print(f"carte {titre} en cours") TryPlay(titre) reset(True) sleep(1) try: link = findall('href="([^<]+)" title=""', driver.page_source)[ 3 ] # verifie si on a toujours des cartes except: break for i in range(2): # don't seem useful for fixing error try : weekly_cards() break except Exception as e: LogError(f"weekly_cards, try n°{i+1} \n {e}", driver, _mail) if i == 0 : driver.refresh() else : CustomSleep(1800) driver.refresh() """ login() tries to login to your micrososft account. it uses global variable _mail and _password to login """ def login(): global driver def sub_login(): printf("sublogin : start") driver.get("https://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/flyout") for i in [f'[title="Rejoindre"]', f'[title="Join now"]', f'[title="Rejoindre maintenant"]'] : try: driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, i).click() # depend of the language of the page break except: pass WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "i0116", browser = driver) mail = driver.find_element(By.ID, "i0116") send_keys_wait(mail, _mail) mail.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "i0118", browser = driver) pwd = driver.find_element(By.ID, "i0118") send_keys_wait(pwd, _password) pwd.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) CustomSleep(5) if ('Abuse' in driver.current_url) : LogError("account suspended", driver, _mail) raise Banned() for i in ["KmsiCheckboxField","iLooksGood", "idSIButton9", "iCancel"]: try: driver.find_element(By.ID, i).click() except Exception as e: pass try : elm = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "body") elm.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) except : pass printf("login completed") RGPD() CustomSleep(uniform(3,5)) driver.get("https://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/flyout") CustomSleep(uniform(3,5)) for i in range(3) : try : sub_login() return (driver.current_window_handle) except Banned: raise Banned() except Exception as e: LogError("login - 3 - " + str(e), driver, _mail) driver.close() CustomSleep(1200) driver = FirefoxDriver() return("STOP") def BingPcSearch(override=randint(35, 40)): StartTask(task["PC"]) ChangeColor(task["PC"], "blue") driver.get(f"https://www.bing.com/search?q=test") # {choice(Liste_de_mot)}') CustomSleep(uniform(1, 2)) RGPD() send_keys_wait( driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q"), Keys.BACKSPACE + Keys.BACKSPACE + Keys.BACKSPACE + Keys.BACKSPACE + Keys.BACKSPACE + Keys.BACKSPACE, ) for i in range(override): mot = choice(Liste_de_mot) try: send_keys_wait(driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q"), mot) driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").send_keys(Keys.ENTER) except Exception as e : printf(e) sleep(10) driver.get('https://www.bing.com/search?q=pls') sleep(3) send_keys_wait(driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q"), mot) driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").send_keys(Keys.ENTER) AdvanceTask(task["PC"], 1/override * 100 ) CustomSleep(uniform(5, 20)) try: driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").clear() except Exception as e: printf(e) try: driver.get('https://www.bing.com/search?q=pls') driver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").clear() except Exception as e: LogError(f"BingPcSearch - clear la barre de recherche - {e}", driver, _mail) ChangeColor(task["PC"], "green") def unban(): driver.find_element(By.ID, "StartAction").click() CustomSleep(10) txt = driver.page_source uuid0 = findall('wlspispHIPCountrySelect([a-z0-9]+)', txt)[0] uuid1 = findall('wlspispHIPPhoneInput([a-z0-9]+)', txt)[0] uuid2 = findall('wlspispHipSendCode([a-z0-9]+)', txt)[0] uuid3 = findall('wlspispSolutionElement([a-z0-9]+)', txt)[0] sel = Select(driver.find_element(By.ID, "wlspispHIPCountrySelect" + uuid0)) CC = input("enter Contry code (FR, ...) ") sel.select_by_value(CC) WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "wlspispHIPPhoneInput" + uuid1, browser=driver) phone = input("entrez le numero de téléphone : +33") phone_box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "wlspispHIPPhoneInput" + uuid1) phone_box.send_keys(phone) WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "wlspispHipSendCode" + uuid2, browser=driver) send_link = driver.find_element(By.ID, "wlspispHipSendCode" + uuid2) send_link.click() WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "wlspispSolutionElement" + uuid3, browser=driver) LogError("test", driver,"phone test") answer_box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "wlspispSolutionElement" + uuid3) answer = input("entrez le contenu du msg : ") answer_box.send_keys(answer) send_box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "ProofAction") send_box.click() WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "FinishAction", browser=driver) continue_box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "FinishAction") continue_box.click() def TryPlay(nom="inconnu"): RGPD() printf("TryPlay en cours") def play(number): if number == 8 or number == 9: try: printf(f"\033[96m Quiz 8 détecté sur la page {nom} \033[0m") PlayQuiz8() printf(f"\033[92m Quiz 8 reussit sur {nom} \033[0m") except Exception as e: printf(f"echec de PlayQuiz 8. Aborted {e} \033[0m") elif number == 5 or number == 4: try: printf(f"\033[96m Quiz 4 détecté sur la page {nom} \033[0m") PlayQuiz4() printf(f"\033[92m Quiz 4 reussit sur {nom} \033[0m") except Exception as e: printf(f"echec de PlayQuiz 4. Aborted {e} \033[0m") elif number == 3 or number == 2: try: printf(f"\033[96m Quiz 2 détecté sur la page {nom}\033[0m") PlayQuiz2() printf(f"\033[92m Quiz 2 reussit sur la page {nom}\033[0m") except Exception as e: printf(f"echec de PlayQuiz 2. Aborted {e}") else: LogError("probleme dans la carte : il y a un bouton play et aucun quiz detecté", driver, _mail) try: driver.find_element(By.ID, "rqStartQuiz").click() # start the quiz number = driver.page_source.count("rqAnswerOption") play(number) except Exception as e: # printf(e) normal error here if "bt_PollRadio" in driver.page_source: try: printf("Poll détected") RGPD() PlayPoll() printf("Poll reussit ") except Exception as e: printf(f"TryPlay - 1 - Poll aborted {e}") elif "rqQuestionState" in driver.page_source: try: number = driver.page_source.count("rqAnswerOption") printf(f"recovery détecté. quiz : {number}") play(number-1, override=restant + 1) except Exception as e: printf("TryPlay - 2 - " + e) elif search("([0-9]) de ([0-9]) finalisée", driver.page_source): print("fidélité") RGPD() Fidelite() else: printf(f"rien à faire sur la page {nom}") RGPD() CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) def LogPoint(account="unknown"): # log des points sur discord def get_points(): driver.get("https://www.bing.com/rewardsapp/flyout") if not LINUX_HOST: asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) else: asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) regex1 = '= 7500: if (claim_amazon() == 1) : points = str( int(points) - 7500) if sql_enabled : add_to_database(account, points, sql_host, sql_usr, sql_pwd, sql_database) def Fidelite(): try: while 1: #close all tabs try: Close(1) except: break try : result = get(FidelityLink) #get the url of fidelity page except Exception as e : printf(e) result = False if result : lien = result.content.decode("UTF-8") printf(lien) if (lien.split(":")[0] == "https") or (lien.split(":")[0] == "http") : driver.get(lien) WaitUntilVisible(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[class="pull-left spacer-48-bottom punchcard-row"]', browser=driver) choix = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[class="pull-left spacer-48-bottom punchcard-row"]') # pull-left spacer-48-bottom punchcard-row? USELESS ? nb = search("([0-9]) of ([0-9]) completed", driver.page_source) if not nb: nb = search("([0-9]) de ([0-9]) finalisé", driver.page_source) for i in range(int(nb[2]) - int(nb[1])): driver.refresh() CustomSleep(2) choix = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "spacer-48-bottom") try : ButtonText = search('([^<^>]+)',choix.get_attribute("innerHTML"))[1] bouton = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, f'//span[text()="{ButtonText}"]') bouton.click() except Exception as e1 : try : t = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'/html/body/div[1]/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[7]/div[3]/div[1]') t.click() except Exception as e2 : LogError(f"fidélité - double erreur - e1 : {e1} - e2 {e2}", driver, _mail) break CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[1]) TryPlay(driver.title) driver.get(lien) # USELESS ? CustomSleep(uniform(3, 5)) try: Close(driver.window_handles[1]) except Exception as e: printf(e) printf("fidelité - done") else : printf("lien invalide") except Exception as e: LogError("Fidélité" + str(e), driver, _mail) def Mlogin(echec): try: MobileDriver.get("https://www.bing.com/search?q=test+speed") MRGPD() printf("start of Mobile login") MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "mHamburger").click() WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "hb_s", browser=MobileDriver) MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "hb_s").click() WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "i0116", browser=MobileDriver) mail = MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "i0116") send_keys_wait(mail, _mail) mail.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) WaitUntilVisible(By.ID, "i0118", browser=MobileDriver) pwd = MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "i0118") send_keys_wait(pwd, _password) pwd.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) CustomSleep(uniform(1, 2)) for i in ["KmsiCheckboxField", "iLooksGood", "idSIButton9"]: try: MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID,i ).click() except Exception as e: pass printf("end of Mobile login") except Exception as e: echec += 1 if echec <= 3: printf(f"echec du login sur la version mobile. on reesaye ({echec}/3), {e}") CustomSleep(uniform(5, 10)) Mlogin(echec) else: LogError( f"login impossible 3 fois de suite. {e}", MobileDriver, _mail ) MobileDriver.quit() return True def MRGPD(): try: MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "bnp_btn_accept").click() except Exception as e: pass try: MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "bnp_hfly_cta2").click() except Exception as e: pass def Alerte(): try: alert = MobileDriver.switch_to.alert alert.dismiss() except exceptions.NoAlertPresentException as e: pass except Exception as e: LogError(f"mobile.py -> Alerte : {e}", MobileDriver, _mail) def BingMobileSearch(override=randint(22, 25)): ChangeColor(task["Mobile"], "blue") StartTask(task["Mobile"]) global MobileDriver MobileDriver = "unable to start" try: try: MobileDriver = FirefoxDriver(mobile=True) MobileDriver.implicitly_wait(15) except Exception as e: LogError("BingMobileSearch - 1 - echec de la creation du driver mobile", MobileDriver, _mail) ChangeColor(task["Mobile"], "red") echec = 0 if not Mlogin(echec): CustomSleep(uniform(1, 2)) MRGPD() CustomSleep(uniform(1, 1.5)) for i in range(override): # 20 try : mot = choice(Liste_de_mot) send_keys_wait(MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q"), mot) MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").send_keys(Keys.ENTER) AdvanceTask(task["Mobile"], 1/override * 100) #printf(MobileDriver.current_url) CustomSleep(uniform(5, 20)) Alerte() # verifie si il y a des alertes (demande de positions ....) MobileDriver.find_element(By.ID, "sb_form_q").clear() except : driver.refresh() CustomSleep(30) i -= 1 MobileDriver.quit() ChangeColor(task["Mobile"], "green") except Exception as e: LogError("BingMobileSearch - 4 - " + str(e), MobileDriver, _mail) MobileDriver.quit() def DailyRoutine(custom = False): for i in ["PC", "Mobile"]: ShowTask(task[i]) try : if not custom: # custom already login login() except Banned : LogError("THIS ACCOUND IS BANNED. FIX THIS ISSUE WITH -U", driver, _mail) return() try: AllCard() except Exception as e: LogError(f"DailyRoutine - AllCard - \n{e}", driver, _mail) try: BingPcSearch() except Exception as e: LogError(f"DailyRoutine - BingPcSearch - \n{e}", driver, _mail) try: BingMobileSearch() except Exception as e: LogError(f"DailyRoutine - BingMobileSearch - \n{e}", driver, _mail) try: Fidelite() except Exception as e: LogError(f"DailyRoutine - Fidelité - \n{e}", driver, _mail) try: LogPoint(_mail) except Exception as e: LogError(f"DailyRoutine - LogPoint - \n{e}", driver, _mail) def close(): driver.quit() quit() def dev(): pass def CustomStart(Credentials): if not LINUX_HOST : raise NameError('You need to be on linux to do that, due to the utilisation of a module named enquieries, sorry.') global driver, _mail, _password, p, task system("clear") # clear from previous command to allow a clean choice actions = ["tout", "daily", "pc", "mobile", "LogPoint","Fidelite", "dev"] Actions = enquiries.choose("quels Actions ?", actions, multi=True) liste = SelectAccount() with Progress( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TaskProgressColumn(), TimeRemainingColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), ) as p: task = modules.progress.dico(p) for _mail, _password in liste: driver = FirefoxDriver() driver.implicitly_wait(10) if login() != "STOP": if "tout" in Actions: DailyRoutine(True) if "daily" in Actions: try: AllCard() except Exception as e: LogError(f"AllCards - {e} -- override", driver, _mail) if "pc" in Actions: try: ShowTask(task["PC"]) BingPcSearch() except Exception as e: LogError(f"il y a eu une erreur dans BingPcSearch, {e} -- override", driver, _mail) if "mobile" in Actions: try: ShowTask(task["Mobile"]) BingMobileSearch() except Exception as e: LogError(f"BingMobileSearch - {e} -- override", driver, _mail) if "Fidelite" in Actions: try : Fidelite() except Exception as e : LogError(f"Fidelite - {e} -- override", driver, _mail) if "dev" in Actions: try: dev() except Exception as e: printf(e) break if not "tout" in Actions: try: LogPoint(_mail) except Exception as e: print("CustomStart " + str(e)) driver.close() def SelectAccount(multiple = True): system("clear") # clear from previous command to allow a clean choice emails = [x[0] for x in Credentials] # list of all email adresses emailsSelected = enquiries.choose("quels comptes ?", emails, multi=multiple) return([x for x in Credentials if x[0] in emailsSelected]) def unban2(): global _mail, _password _mail, _password = SelectAccount(False)[0] try : driver = FirefoxDriver() login() raise NotBanned except Banned : unban() except NotBanned : printf("you are not cureently banned on this account") def StartTask(task): p.start_task(task) def ShowTask(task): p.update(task, visible=True) def AdvanceTask(task, pourcentage): p.update(task, advance=pourcentage) def ChangeColor(task, newcolor): old = p.tasks[task].description old = old.split(']') old[0] = f"[{newcolor}" new = "]".join(old) p.update(task,description=new) if CUSTOM_START: CustomStart(Credentials) elif UNBAN: unban2() else: with Progress( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TaskProgressColumn(), TimeRemainingColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), ) as p: task = modules.progress.dico(p) for _mail, _password in Credentials: #system("pkill -9 firefox") print("\n\n") print(_mail) CustomSleep(1) printf("début du driver") driver = FirefoxDriver() printf("driver demarré") driver.implicitly_wait(7) try: DailyRoutine() driver.quit() attente = uniform(1200, 3600) printf(f"finis. attente de {round(attente/60)}min") CustomSleep(attente) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("canceled") close()